Women Who Break Running Barriers

I think there's something very special about women’s sports. I would never advocate for getting rid of that. I would advocate for expanding the way that we think.


Dashed Hopes: Lessons from the Last Time a President Withdrew from Re-election

The dashed hopes of those times offer a distant mirror on America's current predicament. The "light at the end of the tunnel" turned out to be an oncoming train. A presidential candidate found his winning lane was to deepen divisions, not become a healing agent.  The goal of politics became exclusively to hold power.


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“Incurring the Wrath of a Holy God”: Alabama Court Redefines “Children”

The court’s ruling, which rattled reproductive medicine practitioners across the country and shut down in vitro fertilization (IVF) operations in Alabama, is not only unscientific but absurd.


Rethinking How the City Works: Barcelona’s Superblocks

The idea, practice, and until a year ago, city policy, was to assemble a number of nine-square grids of three by three 400-foot-square blocks, leaving the buildings in place while taking through traffic off the streets and routing it around the blocks.




Women Who Break Running Barriers

I think there's something very special about women’s sports. I would never advocate for getting rid of that. I would advocate for expanding the way that we think.

To Make Great Wine: It Takes Community

Because vineyards are located in agricultural communities and many wineries occupy splendid rural settings, I believe that there is a special type of community which they inhabit and build.


