Paul Gregutt

Paul Gregutt has been reviewing the wines and wineries of the Pacific Northwest since the mid-1980s. Career highlights include serving as the wine columnist for the Seattle Times (2002 – 2013) and Contributing Editor for Wine Enthusiast magazine (1998 – 2022). He lives with his wife Karen and his rescue dog Cookie in Waitsburg (pop. 1204), a Walla Walla County farm community. When not tasting and writing about wine he writes songs, plays guitar and sings in his band the DavePaul5 ( Follow his writing here and at

Northwest Wines and Alcohol Content

For most of the 25 years I reviewed wines for Wine Enthusiast, finished alcohol (abv) was not included. Although I talked to any number of NW winemakers about their...

How to be a Better Taster of Wine

There’s one sure way to get more enjoyment from wine, find better values from your wine purchases and enjoy more interesting experiences when visiting wine country. Be the best...

This is how you Start a Vineyard

“We knew nothing about farming. We didn't know how to make a straight line in a row. How do you drive a tractor? How big a tractor do you need? We were fortunate that there were a lot of people like us, who also didn't know anything."

So What is Grazing-Based Viticulture?

There’s a growing number of ecologically-friendly approaches to farming wine grapes, each with its own parameters. But until I spent an afternoon and evening with the Hagen family I had no clue what ‘grazing-based viticulture’ encompassed.

Adventures in Northwest Viognier

Viognier is the unlikely white wine grape that has grabbed the imagination of winemakers and inspired a devoted following among consumers.

Research on What Makes Wine Buyers Sip

First and foremost, consumers these days want more than a quick sip-and-spit tasting room experience.

The Expressive Vineyards of the McMinnville AVA

Up to date statistics are hard to find, but I count at least 16 vineyards, 10 wineries and at least a half dozen tasting rooms. And with the bustling city of McMinnville close at hand, visitors can easily find a wide variety of tasting opportunities covering virtually all the Willamette Valley AVAs.

The Unraveling of Ste. Michelle Wines; And Ken Wright’s Latest

Ste. Michelle's new leader believes his attempts at re-inventing, re-organizing, re-centering the company – call it what you will – have a good chance of success. Kind of like Dan Wilson’s take on the Mariners, although by some metrics the M’s are in better shape.

Who Buys Wine in a Grocery Store?

Row after row after row of wines, in bottles and cans and boxes, flanked by giant end stacks of soda pop wines, hard lemonade, No-Lo options and pre-mixed cocktails.

Wine Labels: Information Clutter

Springing up like chanterelle mushrooms after an autumn rain are myriad global and regional certifications trumpeting Organic, Biodynamic, LIVE, Salmon Safe, Sustainable, Natural, LEED, SIP, Demeter, Vegan and still more eco-friendly credentials.
