Steve Clifford, the former CEO of KING Broadcasting, has written humor for and the Huffington Post. He is the author of "The CEO Pay Machine."
God spaketh: "America shall become a desolate land where truth has no meaning, but everywhere lying triumphs and conspiracy theories and disinformation suffocate mere facts."
I began to understand that Seattleites respond to irony with deadpan humor by pretending that they don’t get the joke. They best your irony with a prevailing irony.
“He is losing it,” chimed in Hannah Mills, a 34-year-old Social Media Influencer. "He once provided free manna from Heaven. Now He offers us lattes for $8.50. I wonder if He even knows the price of eggs today?”
Among my presidential promises: I will also make abortion equitable. Whatever a man starts, he must carry to term. Men running for President must campaign for nine months. Wimps like DeSantis could not drop out.
Trump declared, announcing the Department of Hoax: "China is ruining our economy with its climate-change hoax. The Chinese are tremendous hoaxers. They're melting icebergs, engineering monthlong triple-digit heat waves, and flooding the seas to raise water level. Believe me, these guys are beautiful hoaxers, incredible hoaxers."
Sen. Kennedy, in imploring the new Speaker: I am a Christian and believe that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. But Jesus lived long ago.