Douglas McLennan

Doug is a longtime journalist who writes about journalism, the arts and technology. He's the editor and the founder and editor of and co-founder and editor of Post Alley. He's a frequent keynoter on arts and digital issues, and works and consults for a number of arts and news organizations nationally.

Bumber-Gone? How An Iconic Seattle Festival Lost Its Way And How It Might Be Reinvented

What explains the flagging fortunes of Bumbershoot, which has over the past 20 years become less and less distinctive, spectacularly more expensive to attend, and suffered diminished attendance and an increasingly unsustainable business model?

I-976 Trust Issues: Opening For A Governor Eyman?

Now, after hearing from voters, officials are risking further distrust by ignoring them thereby putting in jeopardy future tax asks, no matter how justified.

Intiman: Theatre Of The Future? (an update on the “theatre that wouldn’t die”)

The existential question is what exactly Intiman is at this point. The speed at which money has been raised so far suggests there's still a constituency willing to find out, but the Big What is still an open question.

After Trump: Lessons On Deprogramming A Cult

Alex Hursh in The New Republic explores the cult of Trump. How do you talk cult-members back from the edge when Dear Leader falls?

Intiman: The Theatre That Wouldn’t Die

One of Seattle's primary theatres dodges a bullet and soldiers on. The question is should it?

Pull Up The Ladders: Why Rural Americans Vote Against Their Own Self-Interests

Writer Monica Potts returned to her roots in rural Arkansas after some 20 years away, and discovered that people there aren't just against immigrants and big city folk, they oppose anything they themselves won't use.

A Stunning Take Down Of Boeing

Wonder why Boeing's stock hasn't plunged since two of its planes crashed? Writer Maureen Tkacik traces how Boeing downgraded the actual designing and making of planes in favor of questionable supply chain mandates and insulating its stock price from market shocks.

The New Urban Crisis: Did Seattle Not Make The List?

We top lists of growth, education and creative class workers. But Richard Florida's lists omit Seattle in one important category.

Seattle Arts Organizations Say They’re Leaders For Social Justice. So Why Are They Fighting Paying Workers’ For Their Overtime?

It's illuminating that the argument Seattle's arts organizations are making isn't about whether paying overtime is fair, but whether it's affordable.

“No Matter What You Say, Republicans Are Going To Call You A Socialist.” So What Are You Fighting About?

Nobody really moved the needle. No disasters or gaffes, no big victories. No real surprises. And here's CNN at the end, hyping the "clash of ideas," and congratulating candidates on "scoring some good hits" and trying to shape it as a prize fight. Pretty tiresome.
