Kevin Schofield

Kevin is a city hall reporter and the founder of SCC Insight, a web site focused on providing independent news and analysis of the Seattle City Council and Seattle City Hall in general. In a previous life, he worked for 26 years in the tech industry in a variety of positions but most notably as the COO of the research division at Microsoft. Kevin volunteers at the Woodland Park Zoo, where he is also on the Board of Directors. He is also the Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees of Harvey Mudd College.

Another City Council Conflict of Interest?

In an email response this Tuesday to an inquiry as to how she planned to handle potential conflicts of interest with EOI, Morales said, ā€œThe Seattle Office of Ethics and Elections is clear that there is no conflict unless a matter comes before Council in which EOI has a financial interest. If that happens I would have to recuse myself, which I plan to do.ā€ This is incorrect.

Sawant Circles Back: Her Disingenuous Run at Rent Control

The new proposed bill still has all of the major issues that the original draft did. On top of that, itā€™s rent control, and there is broad consensus among economists that rent control doesnā€™t work as advertised and is poor policy.

A Gaping Hole in Seattle City Ethics Enforcement?

If Seattle is going to succeed as a one-party town, it needs to figure out how to have a real culture of ethics in city government in the absence of political pressures to resist external influence and conflicts of interest.

“No Defense of the Indefensible”: Los Angeles Judge makes Landmark Ruling on Homelessness

He went off and wrote a 110-page order ā€“ essentially he wrote an entire book ā€“ granting the preliminary injunction. In doing so he crafted an initial remedy that goes well beyond what the plaintiffs asked for.

Legal Maneuvering around the Sawant Recall

Last week attorneys for Sawant filed a response that asks for much larger changes to the synopsis. They largely re-litigate points that they raised last fall that Judge Rogers flatly rejected ā€” twice.

Jumping Legal Hurdles for the City’s “Jump Start Tax”

One problem with the original tax proposal: An employer that does no business in Seattle could end up paying taxes on the compensation paid to an employee who does no work in Seattle, simply because that employee chooses to live in Seattle ā€” a choice outside the employerā€™s control. The Court is unlikely to approve this aspect.

Your Utility Rates In A Challenging Climate

Seattle Public Utilities expects that for a typical single-family home, the monthly bill will increase $15 this year, with smaller increases in the following years. An apartment will see an increase of about $4 per month this year, with slightly larger increases in the subsequent years.

Citizens’ Uprising: Coalition Proposes Bold Idea for Seattle Homelessness

The proposed amendment is a loud message to the Mayor, the City Council, and the City Attorney that they have bickered themselves into irrelevance. Their endless infighting and incremental tweaks are no longer fooling anyone into believing that they are going to make a difference to homelessness in Seattle.

City Council debates Mitigating Seattle Police Budget Cuts

Advocates who were set on a $5.4 million cut to SPD's budget are unlikely to be happy with Lisa Herbold's attempt at compromise. But a bigger, looming question is what Antonio Oftelie, the court-appointed police monitor, will think.

Do the Redistricting Dance: How City Council Districts will be Redrawn

By no means should you read this as an exact prediction of what the redistricting master will ultimately do, but as a proof-of-concept it gives us a sense of the kind of changes to the Council districts we can expect given the uneven growth Seattle has seen in the last several years.
