Anthony B. Robinson

Tony is a writer, teacher, speaker and ordained minister (United Church of Christ). He served as Senior Minister of Seattle’s Plymouth Congregational Church for fourteen years. His newest book is Useful Wisdom: Letters to Young (and not so young) Ministers. He divides his time between Seattle and a cabin in Wallowa County of northeastern Oregon. If you’d like to know more or receive his regular blogs in your email, go to his site listed above to sign-up.

Lost Pleasures: The Art of Letter-writing

Reading a letter is more like savoring a fine wine, if your letter writer is at all good at the task, as is my letter-writing bro. Email is more like drinking your third cup of coffee. You’re already jittery and it doesn’t taste that good.

Seattle Nice, R.I.P.: Why are we so Awful to our Leaders?

Mayor Jenny Durkan deserves a thank-you note, at the very least, maybe even a purple heart.

Trump and the Wrong Side of Evil

One might call efforts to reduce immigration wrong or not, but the separation of parents from their children was different. It was evil.

It Takes Self-Confidence to be a Moderate

Moderation should never be confused with indecisiveness. On the contrary, a lack of self-confidence in one’s most basic commitments is often expressed in extremism.

Inclusion? Or Intolerance?

For all the claims of inclusion and tolerance, today’s left, a.k.a. “progressives” can be pretty smug, pretty intolerant and superior.

Joe Biden and the Art of the “New Humility”

Joe ran what the NYT columnist Frank Bruni describes as perhaps the “most self-effacing” Presidential campaign in history. In doing so, Uncle Joe has changed his own garrulous, “talk-’em-to-death” style of the past.

Demons and Devils: Halloween and its Growing Popularity

There’s something bigger, more malevolent, going on here. Something demonic.

A Dog’s Take on The Lewis & Clark and on that Black Dog Depression

The book is narrated by Meriwether Lewis’ dog, Seaman, a Newfoundland. As such it is a great introduction to this important chapter in American history. And there really was a “Seaman.”

A Kinder, Gentler Trump?

Given fears or expectations of a Biden gaffe or senior moment, he stood tall. He did talk about what he hoped to do. And on more than one occasion, when tonight’s excellent moderator, Kristin Welker, asked Biden a question he, in contrast to Trump, actually responded to the question, clearly and directly.

Great Expectations: Please Reconsider

Politics, at least in a democracy, is the art of the possible and the practice of compromise. It is, and should be, a limited sphere. Which is why I’m good with Joe Biden.
