Mark Hinshaw

Mark Hinshaw is a retired architect and city planner who lived in Seattle for more than 40 years. For 12 years he had a regular column on architecture for The Seattle Times and later was a frequent contributor to Crosscut. He now lives in a small hill town in Italy.

The Italian Model: How We’re Gathering Together As Lockdown Ends

I have been taken by how everyone in the village seems to still be enjoying the public spaces. They are just doing this while being mindful of the safety of others. This attitude of collective responsibility is what we most noticed when we first arrived.

A New Marker in Human History

What is really happening is that we have been given a rare chance to experience – live, in person – a change that used to happen once in every generation or two – a massive shift in living patterns, in technology, in social life. When there is a sudden and unexpected shift in human life -- whether personal or cultural – some people choose to reflect; others choose to re-invent themselves or the institutions around them.

Italian Diary: From the other side of the Curve

One can sense a collective sigh of relief that we may have beaten this awful thing.

Italian Diary: Flattened by the Curve

I can still see the beloved village pharmacist in his long white coat and with his flamboyant mustache, smiling broadly, and waving to passersby. But Patrizio was a victim of coronavirus.

Italian Diary: A Slowdown In New Cases

The effects of Covid-19 creeps closer even as the rate of new cases is declining.

Notes From The Italian Lockdown

We still say "Buongiorno!" albeit through layers of fabric.

Italian Diary: Coming Together In A Crisis

Our street market was cancelled but the fish truck still appears twice a week as it always did, attracting a village street cat that sits politely, awaiting its supper. People buy the freshly caught fish, but with a meter separation in between. The usual discussion of various fish ensues as always.

Italian Diary: Inside The CoronaZone Lockdown

Part of the government’s decree is to change people’s behavior for several weeks – long enough to slow or stop community transmission.

Corona-Cold Turkey: Crowds Quit Venice and the City Takes a Much-Needed Tourist Break

The disappearance of crowds due to the coronavirus scare might actually be good thing. No city can thrive on a monoculture of mass tourism.

Report From The Front: Life In Italy During The Coronavirus [UPDATED 3.3.20]

As I check in with various friends and colleagues in different parts of Italy, it seems most are being cautious and careful, but there is little real hysteria. But online is going crazy.
