Linda Kramer Jenning

Linda Kramer Jenning is an independent journalist who moved to Bainbridge Island after several decades reporting from Washington, D.C. She taught journalism at Georgetown University and is former Washington editor of Glamour.

Pandemic Wallops Women: Behind a Persistent Gender Pay Gap

Women today are caught in a perfect storm, and swift federal and state action to expand child care and enforce paycheck fairness are urgently needed.

Gender Journo News

In an historic first, the chief White House correspondents from ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN are all women.

An Inauguration Like No Other

At times it looked like almost any other inauguration -- except we saw the first woman, first person of color, sworn in as vice president. And everyone was masked except when singing, taking an oath of office or giving an inaugural address that emphasized "decency and dignity, love and healing."

Running Toward Danger: Our Political Journalists as War Correspondents

This anti-media vitriol has been growing for years amid burgeoning mistrust of mainstream media, and not just among extremists. Journalists have become popular targets for extremists from both the left and right, and in politics this blame the media trope has been a favorite of almost all presidents whether Democrat or Republican.

Yes, A Doctor in the (White) House

A "First" for a First Lady as Dr. Jill Biden gets ready to make history

Out of the Balcony: Progress for Women in America’s Newsrooms

It’s encouraging and inspiring to hear about the “firsts” and the ongoing advancement of women in the news business. But the fact that in 2020 women still are breaking barriers underscores that gender equality remains a goal, not a reality.

Right Women Winning

Women candidates set new records this election, but are we any closer to political parity?

Your Grandmother May Decide the Election

As one of those who can remember the good old days of political comity, I am not surprised to see polls showing older women voters trending toward Vice President Biden. Nor am I surprised to hear which issues are propelling the ballot choices of women over 50.

And the MVP goes to… The Fly

Even if boring, at least it was a debate. Both candidates made the points they needed to make. Neither committed a grievous error. If you went into it liking Biden-Harris, you were wowed by Kamala. If you went into it committed to Trump-Pence, you were happy to wear your MAGA hat.

Tarra Simmons: A First for Washington State?

Will Tarra Simmons become the first former felon elected to office in Washington? Her time behind bars is not the sole focus of Simmons’ quest for office, but it makes her stand out for advocating issues too often not on campaign agendas.
