Dan Chasan

Timber! The Future of Tall Buildings?

Acceptance of mass timber is obviously growing. The state Department of Commerce says that “cross-laminated timber is one of the fastest-growing segments of [Washington’s forest products] industry.”

The Supremes Don’t Have to, But… (The Irony of Conservatives’ War on Press Freedom)

Getting rid of Sullivan’s constitutional shield has evidently earned a place on many conservatives’ wish lists. It has long had a place on Donald Trump’s.

Will Washington’s Supreme Court Decide Taxing Capital Gains is Illegal?

Taxing income has been a hot-button issue in Washington for more than 90 years.  Now the Court might force a decision.

Puget Sound Orcas are Starving. Is the Solution Shutting Down Alaskan Chinook Fisheries?

An estimated 97 percent of the Chinook caught by that Alaskan fishery spawn outside Alaska. Many of those fish might normally nourish the Southern Resident Killer Whales (SRKWs) – our Puget Sound orcas.

Why Seattle Schools Are Suing Google

If the Seattle School District lawsuit succeeds, will that mean the end of the Internet as we know it? Would that be such a bad thing?

This Year it was Terse: It Could Be a Verse

Here, plywood hasn’t all come down and some folks still avoid downtown; they certainly won't go to tea in restaurants that used to be. And many seem to lack a yen to see their offices again.

Do As They Please? Moore V. Harper asks SCOTUS To Declare Who Has the Final Word

Moore v Harper is a North Carolina case about extreme partisan gerrymandering. But that isn’t really the issue.

First Up in the Supreme Court Crosshairs: The Clean Water Act

Will the tendency of the conservative majority to make a decision much broader than the case requires show itself here?

Trump Scoreboard: Toting Up the Legal Jeopardy

Has he committed crimes?  Probably.  Will he be indicted for them?  Possibly.  Will we see him in prison?  Don’t hold your breath.

WA Supreme Court: State Not Required to Cut Forests to Maximize Revenue

On July 21, the state supreme court said unanimously that the state does indeed have a duty to the schools and other beneficiaries, BUT it also has a duty to “all the people.”
