The Ninja Warriors Debate


TV entertainment now deeply undergirds the forms of our political discourse.  In the year 2016 we had the framing power of The Apprentice.  NBC’s answer in 2020 is to shape the choice of a President in the frame of American Ninja Warriors.  Right down, virtually, to the same set designers.  Split-screen viewing would be a true Ah Ha moment. This is deeply discouraging in the larger scheme of things. 

If Democrats actually want to fail to un-elect Donald Trump, there is one clear path forward to a Democratic defeat:  Nominate Elizabeth Warren.  Never mind any polls.  Under the heat of withering global warming embraced by the scientific mind of Donald Trump, her “electability” will melt like the Greenland ice cap.  Plus, her “research gun policy” answer was, for me, the substantive low point of the two hours.

Best single sound bite, best delivered, of the entire night actually was in Spanish (too bad Beto and Booker).  It was Julian Castro’s closer:  “Adios, Donald Trump.”

I warmed to Julian Castro and Cory Booker.  I think Booker “won” the debate.  I also liked the supposed also-ran, Tulsi Gabbard.  Now that’s what “authenticity” looks like to my eye, and  I hope she makes the cut. 

What’s happened to Jay Inslee?  He looks terrible, though he sounded better than I thought he would. But this act doesn’t travel past a campaign fund-raising house party on Bainbridge Island.  Boring. Which is why he got no “time of possession” on the talk-time meter.  

And yet, climate crisis will be a big issue in 2020.  Who can even imagine to what result?

Image: Pixabay

Doug MacDonald
Doug MacDonald
Doug MacDonald has served as chief executive in infrastructure agencies in Massachusetts (Greater Boston drinking water/wastewater) and Washington State (Secretary of Transportation, 2001-2007). His best job was fifty years ago as a rural extension agent in the Peace Corps in Malawi in southern Africa. He has written on the environment, transportation and politics for professional and general publications for many years.


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