Anthony B. Robinson

Tony is a writer, teacher, speaker and ordained minister (United Church of Christ). He served as Senior Minister of Seattle’s Plymouth Congregational Church for fourteen years. His newest book is Useful Wisdom: Letters to Young (and not so young) Ministers. He divides his time between Seattle and a cabin in Wallowa County of northeastern Oregon. If you’d like to know more or receive his regular blogs in your email, go to his site listed above to sign-up.

The Latest in Trump’s Long Line of Losses. What Next?

Now 12 American citizens — may God protect them — have said, “No.” No one is above the law. In the end, they — we — are our best hope.

Describing God: The Great Unnamable

If you find it hard to describe or explain God, don’t feel too bad about that.

A Barnburner of a Commencement Speech: Rethinking the Blame Game

Professor Robert Parham first expresses a concern for the spiritual/ mental health of his students, who are deeply pessimistic about the world and the future and often told they are responsible for the mess.

Stormy Daniels and the Politics of Shame

All these usual forces have so far failed to bring Trump to account — but he has been undone by an adult film actor and director, yes, “a porn star.”

Campus Protests: Adding up the Cost

“At one point, the janitor remembers ‘looking up and I noticed the cameras are covered.’ It made him think: ‘This was definitely planned.’

The New America: Wealth Equals Worth?

What’s pervasive in America now is quite different. It is a culture of fees (often hidden) and upgrades that attach charges to getting the first, the best, or the most exclusive.

The New Political Spectrum: Performative Extremists Versus the Rational Middle

The illiberal and un-conservative extremes are in the media driver's seat, garnering way more clout and air time than the actual numbers merit.

Facing Into Your Mortality

It seems that the generation that worked back then to de-medicalize birth, is pushing for something similar for dying.

Why is the Left so Sad?

“I don’t know that it all ends badly. But I think it probably does,” seems unlikely to get you out of bed in morning. And yet, that seems to be where a fair number of those on the left, especially the younger ones, are hanging out these days.

The Loneliness Epidemic

Here in San Miguel de Allende a mid-sized town in Central Mexico about the only people I see eating alone in a restaurant are fellow gringos; often they are older men, sometimes women. Mexicans generally seem to be part of a multi-generational family.
