Jean Godden

Jean Godden wrote columns first for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and late for the Seattle Times. In 2002, she quit to run for City Council where she served for 12 years. Since then she published a book of city stories titled “Citizen Jean.” She is now co-host of The Bridge aired on community station KMGP at 101.1 FM. You can email tips and comments to Jean at

No Surprise: Community Activist Woo Fills a City Council Vacancy

Tanya Woo, promptly sworn in following Tuesday’s vote, insisted that, even though she had been picked not from a district but for a city-wide seat, her neighborhood-honed priorities were unchanged.

Heroic Achievement: Jonathan Raban’s Last Best Book

When a rehab doctor had dismissively referred to him as “someone who used to be a writer,” he insisted he still was a writer. Indeed he was. Despite his handicaps, slowly and painfully, he resorted to voice-activated software to complete "Father and Son."

Under New Management: New City Council President Sara Nelson’s Agenda

Nelson says she expects the council “to define the specific outcomes expected from service providers and measure their performance regularly.” Her challenge: “We must have the political will to evaluate and change course if necessary.” Sounds like austerity ahead.

Report Card: Progress for Women in 2023

Looking at that area of interest this past year, I’d have to say that 2023 was a case of one step forward and one or two backwards. There were notable gains but worrisome setbacks as well.

Liz Cheney: Standing Up for the Republic

The rock-ribbed Wyoming conservative has written a compelling first-hand account of the January 6 assault on the U. S. Capitol and the investigation that followed.

Fort Lawton: A Troubled Housing Project Comes Down to the Wire

There's an adopted plan for more housing at surplus Army land, but it keeps getting delayed -- by the Great Recession, the pandemic, and neighbors' lawsuits.

We Women Demand: Pocket Parity

Why can men enjoy up to 24 pockets (number found in some three-piece suits) and women seldom have even one?

The Time I Met Rosalynn Carter

Mrs. Carter was going to Japan on behalf of Habitat for Humanity, the global nonprofit housing organization that works across states and countries. She would be “working as a volunteer, helping to build housing.”

A City Council Primer: How to Council

Politics, above all, is knowing how to enlist and trust others and learning how to count votes.

See You Later, Jeff Bezos

Bezos wasn’t asked -- nor did he comment -- on allegations that the state’s new capital gains tax was a factor in his move.
