Here is sad news about the passing of Post Alley writer Floyd McKay, sent along from his son-in-law, Ted Wolf:
“Friends, with sadness I share the news that Floyd passed away last Friday at age 86. He was in his Bellingham home with three generations of family present, his beloved wife Dixie beside him, and Whatcom Hospice supporting his comfort. Peacefully, Floyd left us in the dignified manner that he intended.
“More details will be shared in the days ahead. For now, I picture Floyd in one of the places he loved most on earth, the MacKay Country of the Scottish Highlands, last visited in the fall of 2021. Share your memories of this good man, dedicated to his family, truth, community, and independent local news. If you feel moved to act in his memory, please consider donating to the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press or to the Whatcom County nonprofit organization of your choice.”
After years as the dean of Oregon political reporters, both in print and on KGW Television, McKay moved to Bellingham, where he taught journalism to Western Washington University students, and launched many careers. Fittingly, his last article for Post Alley saluted the emergence of a new daily in Bellingham. McKay kept an eye on Oregon politics in numerous articles he contributed to Post Alley, always crisply written and deeply informed. They don’t make enough Floyd McKays these days or in most times, but he will live on as an inspiration to many scribes.
Here’s a fine and complete tribute to Floyd McKay by Ron Judd, suitably enough in the new Bellingham newspaper, The Cascadia Daily News. https://www.cascadiadaily.com/news/2022/mar/16/obituary-floyd-j-mckay/